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Success is placing the right manpower into the right position at the right time and destination.

cnt-THR services are a platform for international partners and contacts. Our services attract uniquely, highly qualified and motivated user groups, such as employers, owners, investors and candidates globally across Europe, Middle East and beyond.

cnt-THR services were founded in 1995 due to the enormous demands of our partners and the real local market needs, for executive searches, and for an adequate development of the human resource business in the Middle East area.

During cnt's fast growing trouble shooting assignments, cnt executives were facing enormous challenges in finding the right talents with the correct profile, being able to place them at the right time, in the right position and the correct local destination.

cnt priority is to fulfil the clients’ exact assignment requirements, as well helping toward the development of local labour market, with the minimum of expatriate support. This approach provides a high interest for local authorities, owners and domestic international companies to use the enormous potential of each domestic market. cnt knows how to identify, attract, motivate and develop a large number of candidates and executives looking for work locally and abroad.

cnt-THR services are exclusively a client conducted services, focused solely on the behalf of the client's individual requirements and demands.

We understand that personalized service is a direct open communication
between our main executives and your good self or any other "person of
confidence" in your administration.

Share with our executives and recruiters your specific needs and your exact operational requirements for available corporate positions and then, experience cnt affectivity to present you the best available talents and market rarities world wide.

Feel free to use the cnt rush and comfort assistance any time!

cnt executives and recruiters would be most delighted to contact you and explore with you the details of your exact staff requirements.

Simply use cnt "real time" fax or voicemail messaging service
by calling +49 721 151 471 634
or send us an email to

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